The Association of the Exoskeleton Industry e.V. – in short "VDEI" – represents the exoskeleton suppliers in Germany, Europe and worldwide. VDEI explains and represents the interests, points of view and concerns of its members towards politics, administration and the public and promotes the acceptance of the technology.
Über Uns
Der Verband der Exoskelett-Industrie e.V. – kurz „VDEI“ – repräsentiert die Exoskelett-Anbieter in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit. VDEI erläutert und vertritt die Interessen, Standpunkte und Belange seiner Mitglieder gegenüber Politik, Verwaltung und Öffentlichkeit und fördert die Akzeptanz der Technologie.

Exoskeletons represent an innovative new approach in ergonomics and occupational safety & health aimed at preventing chronic work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by focusing on localized muscles groups to provide relief from the physical and psychological strains of modern life for key workers engaged in stressful repetitive operations.
Despite decades of investment and oversight musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are still on the rise, indicating that there is a limit to the effectiveness of current solutions to the problem, such as education and training to promote healthy postures, organizational measures to reduce employee time and load stress, ergonomic equipment, such as pallet trucks, cranes, and personal protective equipment, and workplaces layouts to reduce the prevalence and amount of time spent in uncomfortable and unergonomic positions, such as repetitive lifting or raised arms.
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are the leading work-related health problem in the European Union and around the world, causing severe long term pain, discomfort, and disability for employees.
They have consistently been cited as the most common work-related health problem across all sectors and occupations, leading to significant healthcare and social support costs for afflicted individuals due to physical and psychological stress, negatively affecting both personal and professional commitments.
Risk Factors
Exoskeletons mediate some of the most commonly cited risk factors leading to work-related MSDs, such as working posture and movements over prolonged periods, repetitiveness and pace of work, force of movements and vibrations, as well as psychosocial factors like a lack of control or influence over day-to-day work and operations, monotony, increased time pressure, and a lack of support on offer.
The problem – which is increasingly prominent with advanced age – is exacerbated by macroeconomic trends, such as aging populations and a shrinking workforce.
Societal cost
The total cost for all EU countries in lost productivity due to work absence and incapacity from disabilities has been estimated at 2% in GDP - or around €300 billion annually.
In context, this total societal cost from work-related MSDs accounts for significantly more than the total agricultural sector net contribution (1.6%) to GDP per year, despite receiving a much lower investment stimulus for preventative measures.